Monday, January 18, 2010

Mango Delight

Not all desserts have to be high calorie, high fat, and high sugar. I don't know about you, but sometimes I just want a little something sweet after dinner. Something little, not something extravagant, artery clogging, and waist bulging! Somewhere I saw a recipe for a dessert to include sorbet and yogurt. I took that idea and came up with my own little twist.

Mango Delight
1/2 cup mango sorbet
1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt

Scoop the sorbet into a bowl. Spoon out the yogurt. Sprinkle the berries on top. Voila! Dessert in a pinch! And without the worries of arteries clogging and waists bulging! Enjoy!

Of note, the beauty of this recipe is that it is so simple. If you don't like mango sorbet, substitute for raspberry. If you don't like plain yogurt, try vanilla yogurt. I might not go with blueberries on a rapsberry sorbet (or maybe I would), but one might try kiwi instead. The road is neverending. Experiment. See what you suits your fancy! :)

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