Saturday, January 9, 2010

Honesty is the Best Policy

I was reading January 2010's issue of Real Simple and thought I'd share something I chuckled at.

Q: What will you do differently this year? It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Don't be a repeat offender! (One reader's response as follows.)

A: Nothing! I'll continue to get serious about my diet starting Monday, then blow it the first time I have dinner with the girls. I'll buy shoes I don't need, the dress I won't wear, and the workout videos I won't use. I'll continue to drink too much coffee and eat too many French fries. I'll live for today, forget the past, and make the same mistakes- and I will love every second of it, because my flaws make me!

I read this and smiled and laughed. SO true. Now perhaps that is not what you want to hear from me, but sometimes we all have to take a moment and smell those pretty flowers. Sometimes we all bend over backwards to please the many or perhaps the one, when sometimes the only one you should be pleasing is yourself! :) We all have flaws. We are all human. If we take a moment to love ourselves and realize our successes and failures, I believe it all works out in the end. Find the one thing you do enjoy. Return the dress. Buy a jacket. Skip the video. Take a dance class with your partner. Whatever you do, do with a smile. Any kind of movement (hop, skip, or jump), is a step in the right direction! :)

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