Monday, November 23, 2009

More to Tips to Eating Healthy this Thanksgiving

Eat Right This Thanksgiving
Family Fun on Thanksgiving
Watch the Fat, Add Flavor to Your Thanksgiving Meal
(The American Dietetic Association's tips from years past. Short, sweet, and to the point!)

Thanksgiving Healthy Eating Tips
(Comical, cute, and true!)

A Healthier Thanksgiving Stuffing (Good idea! I like the idea of forgoing canned items and making foods from scratch, especially when the time and effort is minimal! Kudos for switching to whole grain as well!)

Surviving the Holiday Season in Good Form! (Food, teeth, skin, and feet! Find ways to keep your entire body in shape this holiday season!)

Vegetables are the Root of Nourishing Holiday Meals! (Veggie-licious!!)

Gobble Gobble!

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