Sunday, November 15, 2009

Quinoa Monday?!

Tomorrow is Monday and for those of you who are unaware, there is a push to have Americans reduce their overall meat consumption. The USDA has been advocating for an increased intake of beans and legumes (among other food items) in the American diet; you can find this information at You can also read about dietary guidelines for Americans here. Skip to page 24 where the government recommends 3 CUPS of beans/legumes PER week! (Unfortunately, Americans are not reaching this goal!) There is a great website that advocates meatless meals one day a week- Meatless Monday.

When I was making dinner tonight, all of this popped into my head. I thought 'Geez. I really think most people would like this.' I completely realize that not everybody is going to become a vegetarian (nor do I think that everyone in the world should.) And of course I am not going to recommend tofu to a 'die hard' beef lover... BUT, I truly love the idea of meatless anyday for anybody and everybody (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, carnivore!) Give it a shot.

Tonight I made Quinoa Stuffed Peppers! Follow the recipe as is! It's quick and easy. The hardest part is grating the carrots and then waiting for these tasty peppers to cook. Do some laundry, read a book, or help your kids with their homework while you wait. It's worth it!

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