Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hiking Mt Chocorua

I have now hiked Mt. Chocorua twice- once last summer and once last weekend. I remember lasts summer's hike to be mild and on the easier side. Well, this year I was in for a big surprise.

To give you a little background, Mt. Chocura is located in the White Mountains in NH. It is at 35oo feet elevation and is about 3-3.5 miles to the top. I learned, after the fact, that the trail we took up to the mountain was called Brooke Trail. And boy was it a challenge. The latter half of the 3.5 miles includes almost a vertical climb. Although the picture below almost does the reality of the scene no justice, I was scaling flat rock practically in a vertical position! YIKES! (Ignore my friend in the picture; he's always getting in the way! ;))

Despite the challenge, it was well worth it. The accomplishment alone of reaching the top of a mountain is a great feeling. What tops that feeling is the breathtaking view.

If you're not an avid hiker, give it a try; it's worth it. And don't worry, all trails are rated. You can choose an easy, more flat trail! Happy hiking!

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