Saturday, August 29, 2009

In Respect of Animals

Do you ever wonder where your food comes from? Do you ever wonder how your meat ended up on your plate? I would say that for most people, the answers are no. Too many times we assume that things are as they should be. We assume our animals are treated with respect. We sometimes assume too much.

I recently visited a local, organic farm; I was pleased to see hens (among other animals) roaming freely. Other hens were located in the hen house, but (as in the picture above) were not over crowded.

A few months ago a documentary was released called Food Inc., which brought to the attention of millions the poor treatment of animals. In respect to hens, it showed overcrowded hen houses and revealed the complete mistreatment of these animals. It is a great documentary and if you haven't seen it yet- you should!

I think in order for change to occur, we have to educate ourselves. I've provided some additional links below on the mistreatment of hens (and other farm animals.)

Ban to Battery Cages
Factory Farmed Chicken
More Facts on Factory Farming


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