Thursday, August 13, 2009

Don't Be Afraid to Try Something New

Making a change can often be easier said then done especially when it is accompanied by emotional anxiety. Should I do it? What if I don't? What will the outcome be? Fifty questions and more linger without an answer until history has been made. I say, take the risk. Often there's nothing or little to lose. Despite the risk, what awaits on the other side is often better then not trying.

I come across these doubts and moments of anxiety everyday at work. Everyday people struggle wondering if simple dietary changes can really make them healthier. Sometimes people are legitimately scared to try something new.

I used to be a very picky eater. As a child, the foods on my plate could not touch each other or I wouldn't eat them. I have since gotten past that. I very much like mixed foods, as demonstrated by new favorite breakfast below! Although it seems a little odd, it is actually quite tasty (and calorically acceptable!)

Cottage Cheese, Fruit, Cereal Mixture Recipe
1 cup low fat cottage cheese (180 calories)
1/2 cup blueberries (40 calories)
1/2 cup Kashi Heart to Heart (75 calories)

295 total calories

I pondered as to why I liked this combination and I came to the conclusion that it was a combination of flavor- salt and sweet- along with texture. If someone was to mention this combination to me (prior to me trying it), I know I would think that it was gross. It's not until we try something new can we really make an accurate judgment.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this recipe! After you tipped me off about this combination, I went home and wanted to try it. I didn't have any Kashi, so I substituted Cheerios instead and added some frozen strawberries I had already sliced up and frozen after catching them on a good sale. SO Yummy! LOVE the crunchy, sweet, salty thing it has going on.
