Sunday, June 27, 2010

Comfort Food: Blueberry Waffles

Sometimes there is nothing better than a quick, easy, simple old fashioned breakfast. Recently, while on vacation I was pleasantly surprised when my friend offered to make not just ordinary waffles, but blueberry waffles!! I can't recall the last time I had waffles. When it's been that long, a sweeter bliss doesn't exist. The smell is luring. The taste is irresistible.

To have that unforgettable experience, pull out that unforgettable recipe whether it's in an old Jewish cookbook, the oh-so-ever reliable Betty Crocker, or perhaps you have to call pseudo-mommie or grandma. If all else fails, there's always Ms. Internet. Whichever way you turn, I promise you won't be disappointed! In this case, follow the recipe as is. (Feel free to use 1/2 whole wheat flour and Smart Balance instead of butter. Never forget your portion control! ;) Enjoy!)

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