Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cool Asain Noodles with Tofu, Cashews, and Sesame Vinaigrette

With all that free time I have, I don't usually indulge in reading magazines (unless A. it's a nutrition magazine (aka scientific journal) or B. when your best friend sends you the cheesiest girliest magazine (ever) to cheer you up!) Despite all of this, there is one magazine that I actually find worthwhile to spend time and money on! I love REAL SIMPLE! Each month I get a dose of the newest fashion trends (Yes. I secretly love this. I am female after all...), quick and easy recipes (Who doesn't love this?! And yes they are often on the healthy-side!), tips to reuse stuff that's just lying around your house, and so much more. Check it out.

In the May 2010 issue of REAL SIMPLE I was intrigued by their Asian Noodle recipe. (Of course) I made a few changes and let me share with you that this a very quick, simple, tasty recipe. When your in a bind and need a dish to impress, let this be your choice! Give it a try!

Asian Noodle Dish Recipe
Preparation: 25 minutes (or less)
Serves: 2+

5 ounces whole wheat spaghetti
2 carrots, peeled and shredded
1/2 large cucumber cubed, deseeded, with the skin intact
1/2 package firm tofu cubed
1/4 cup chopped unsalted roasted cashews
1 tbsp canola oil
1-2 tbsp fresh lime juice
2 tsp toasted sesame oil
1/2 tsp kosher salt

1. Cook 5 ounces of whole grain spaghetti (about 1/3 of the box.)
2. Drain and rinse with cold water to cool.
3. Peel and shred carrots
4. Wash, deseed, and chop cucumber into cubes.
5. Toss vegetables and pasta together in one large bowl.
6. Add cashews, tofu, canola oil, fresh lime juice, toasted sesame oil, and kosher salt.
7. Toss well.
8. Cover and refrigerate for up to one day in advance!

The original recipe called for regular, enriched wheat pasta. I, of course, opted for whole grain pasta. I'd say go with your preference. I think the use of whole grain pasta did not alter the taste too much. I even pondered using spinach pasta just because. (Maybe next time!)

I almost never buy pre-chopped vegetables, but if there is one vegetable to buy pre-chopped (besides butternut squash) it's shredded carrots. So- even eco-friendly me- gives you the go ahead to indulge in the pre-shredded carrots!

For the cucumber, it might be best to go with the Kirby cucumber as originally called for, but a regular garden cucumber suffices. Begin by cutting the cucumber in half, then in half again. In one straight motion cut out the seeds. Then dice the remainder of cucumber. (I removed the seeds because cucumber seeds often become intrusive in a dish; the dish always is better without them.)

I only used 1 tbsp of fresh squeezed lime juice. Next time around I'll be sure to use 2 tbsp lime juice. I like the added kick of lime juice to a dish!

I'm not a heavy user of salt and often delete it from my recipes/cooking. I actually used salt today because every other ingredient was salt free. Instead of adding salt, substituting salted cashews would also work. Either way, the little bit of salt adds a needed taste (without overpowering the dish as many dishes often do!)

All in all, my changes were minimal and this light dish has a very subtle, enjoyable flavor! Enjoy!

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