Book review time!
I just finished reading Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating by Mark Bittman. This book touches upon eating real, whole foods (YAY!) without going on a diet (Double YAY!) and feeling deprived (Triple Yay!) as well as slightly touching upon how eating real food is beneficial to the environment (bonus!) This book is a quick, easy read, which I thoroughly enjoy. The easy read subtly emphasizes the ease of healthy eating!! (Quadrupole YAY! Okay I'm done now! :))
Although I don't necessarily agree with all of Mark Bittman's personal opinions, I enjoy that he repeatedly states that this is just his way of doing things and that more than one way exists. I also enjoy the inclusion of more than 75 recipes, which helps to demonstrate that an easy and healthy meal can be prepared in less than 30 minutes. For anyone who barely knows how to boil water, this book is for you. It discusses steaming, boiling, broiling, grilling, and even spice mixtures. There are recipes and sample menu ideas. It's great! For those of you who are already decent cooks, this just might stimulate those brain cells into creating a new twist of your favorite dish. It might remind you that your oven has a broiler. (Yes, I'm blushing; that's me!)
In the end, what drew me in was two things. One, the first part of the book includes a narrative with facts. These facts are easily found (also) in the margins in green print. It's a good technique to hit the points home. Second, I really enjoy the inclusion of recipes. I know of so many people looking, searching, scavenging for recipes and wondering what's healthy and what's not. For the most part (with the exception of multiple recipes calling for coconut milk), by quick glance these recipes are great, quick, easy, and healthy. Most of them can also be modified for carnivores versus vegetarians (i.e. remove or add meat!) Who could ask for more?!
All in all, I give this book 2 thumbs up and think it might just be worth your while to give it a read!!!
More about the author and the book aforementioned!
I'm glad you liked the book! Me too!