Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Coffee within Reason

Coffee within reason? Huh? Well, let me explain!

It's getting to be that season- Autumn. Oh how I love Autumn (for so many, many reasons)!!!!!! As the air becomes crisp and cool, there is nothing better than a warm drink. But (BUT) who wants all those extra calories?! For example, a 10 oz Dunkaccino from Dunkin Donuts is 230 calories and 11 grams of fat, not including the whipped cream. Assuming that you drank just three of these a week (or any other calorically similar beverage) for 7 months (September through March), you would gain a extra 5.5 pounds!!! So what can be done? Save your money and make it at home. 10 oz of your favorite brewed coffee has 0 calories. 1 tbsp (organic) cocoa powder has 10 calories. Mix in 2 tsp of sugar for 32 calories and 2 tsp 1% milk for 14 calories. Homemade yummy-ness for a grand total OF 56 calories!! Same size, similar taste, 174 fewer calories. Your waist thanks you! Enjoy!

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