Sunday, October 11, 2009

Everything Autumn Part 3

Autumn is not truly Autumn without a mention of apple picking, now is it? NO! :) Need a fun family activity? Go apple picking! Need a healthy, tasty snack? Eat an apple! Want to bake a tasty treat? Bake an apple pie or apple crisp! Need something tasty to drink? Drink homemade apple juice or homemade apple cider! Apples Apples Apples Apples! (FYI apples are high in fiber and Vitamin C. They are also naturally low in calories!)

Here's some additional links, food for thought, if you will!
The World's Healthiest Foods
Washington's Apples
Vermont Apple Facts

-put 'apples' into google and the Apple Store comes up first, before the fruit. Sad. :(
-my new favorite apple is Jonagold. (Maybe I should buy a Jonagold Tree!)
-it takes about 36 apples to make one gallon of apple cider (more apple facts!)

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm....Jonagold. My new favorite too! I've eaten 5 apples in 3 days since discovering this new favorite!
